How can you help your partner?
You may be putting a lot of pressure on yourself to make sure your partner's birth is ideal. You want to help but you don't exactly know how. You're new to this too!
Your role is important!
You're on board to support your partner, and it can be so fulfilling and rewarding. During Dancing For Birth™ class Partner Days, you’ll be together in a small group with your partner, learning comfort measures for labor, pushing positions, and how to be a strong advocate. You'll even practice and role-play for labor, so when the time comes you'll be ready, confident, and capable.

Partners Quick Guide to Pregnancy and Birth
"Ever since I started going to Dancing For Birth™ class with my wife it has changed our lives completely. Dancing For Birth™ class makes me feel guided, connected, relaxed, and empowered to be a better father. Words can’t describe how grateful I am to have found such an amazing class to experience with my family."
- Efrin

"Women identified compassion and trustworthiness as the most important characteristics of a labour companion."
- World Health Organization