Dreaming of Having a Baby?
This is such an exciting time! You're ready to bring new life into the world. You can't wait to hold your newborn and give them all your love. If you've been trying and it hasn't happened, it can be soooo disappointing, but take heart!
Preconception is a Sacred Time of Life
In Dancing For Birth™ class you’ll focus on conscious fertility and conception. Prepare your mind, heart, and body to welcome your baby into your life. Stress and worry disappear as we do simple moves that feel delicious and ground us in this beautiful moment. Did you know...the 'love hormone' oxytocin, which is needed for fertility, is released when we dance!

3 Ways to Get Pregnant
Even if You've Tried Everything!
“It always surprises me, the comfort and connection I feel with the other women, who used to be strangers"
- Liz