Affiliate Program - Marketing

Dancing For Birth™ Affiliate Marketing

Done-for-you images and text you can share to get sign-ups.  



For Sharing and Promoting

Affiliates may use these images and descriptions when you share your enthusiasm about Dancing For Birth™ parent class, birth method, and Professional Training. Include the accurate company name like this: Dancing For Birth™ (all words capitalized and trademark symbol). You may modify the text in your own words. Share your stories of how Dancing For Birth™ positively impacted your experience. Be sure to include your referral link(s). This will allow us to track registrations back to you, in order to pay you a commission. When you share, let people know that you're a proud affiliate of DFB™ and may make a commission if they register. Be careful to not spam anyone. If you post to a Facebook group, be sure your post complies with the rules of the group. Thanks for sharing the love!


Affiliates may click the image to download a zip file of graphics that can be used on Facebook. You will also see an attached word document for swipe text to post with photos. 


Affiliates may click the image to download a zip file of graphics that can be used on Instagram. You will also see an attached word document for swipe text to post with photos. 


Affiliates may click the image to download a zip file of graphics that can be used on your Website. You will also see an attached word document for swipe text to post with photos. 

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