'The Calm and Connected Postpartum' - Babywearing Masterclass - with Guest Expert, Joanna McNeilly, Founder of the Center For Babywearing Studies. 
Is it inevitable that your postpartum will be exhausting, stressful, and full of tears? No! You can have the blissful postpartum of your dreams. One with more sleep, less crying, easier feeding, and a solid connection - for the whole family. What is the missing piece to a calm, connected, and chill postpartum? Discover it in this in-depth Masterclass! 
The evidence around extended infant contact through skin-to-skin, and the use of babywearing, is strong and compelling. The more time you and baby are connected, the better you will understand each other, and the easier the transition to parenting will be for you. No nightmare postpartum experiences for you! Many retailers don't teach proper use of baby carriers, leaving you struggling to figure out when and how to use them correctly. Whether you're a new parent, or a pregnancy and postpartum professional, you need to be well-versed in safe baby carrying.
In this illuminating Masterclass, guest expert Joanna McNeilly shares the positive impact of babywearing during early postpartum. You'll understand the different types of baby carriers, so you may choose one that will truly work for you. You'll receive Joanna's expert guidance on  proper fit, safety, and positioning. She'll demonstrate how incorporating babywearing into your daily life will extend your blissful perinatal experience. 
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Featured Expert - Joanna McNeilly


Joanna McNeilly, Founder of the Center For Babywearing Studies, is an internationally recognized expert on babywearing. She has over 18 years and 15k hours of hands-on experience working directly with families and professionals through the Center for Babywearing Studies (CBWS.org). 

Joanna teaches a unique babywearing training program designed for professionals to address the needs of families expecting a new baby. She has traveled the world doing keynote speeches, lectures, courses, and creating researched-based interventions. She is a founding and current board member of the IBCICC (International Baby Carrier & Infant Contact Consultant Foundation) initiative, an international NGO to create awareness around the need for extended infant contact.

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'The Calm and

Connected Postpartum'


  • Examine the evidence that supports extended infant contact during the early postpartum

  • Discover the benefits of babywearing for parent and baby 

  • See how the marketing of baby carriers often sabotages parents

  • Explore proper baby carrier fit, safety, and positioning 
  • Understand how babywearing fits into your life for the blissful experience you desire
  • Earn 1 Contact Hour from Dancing For Birth™
  • 60-minutes plus Q & A 
  • Instant Digital Download

Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series


Our Dancing For Birth™ Masterclass Series brings you powerful and engaging wisdom from global birth visionaries. Your host, Dancing For Birth™ founder Stephanie Larson, has dedicated 20+ years to bringing bliss to families all over the world through her revolutionary Dancing For Birth™ childbirth method, and prenatal/postpartum class. Yes! Birth can be like this! Check out our other Masterclasses.


Dancing For Birth™ is a world-renowned weekly parent class, for preconception through postpartum, taught by certified instructors on five continents. It's a fun and effective fusion of Prenatal Fitness, Childbirth Education, and Celebration. Use our evidence-based Dancing For Birth™ birth method to add bliss and ease to birth.